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Pui Ching receives National Teaching Achievement Award2024-04-26

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Our school's education project has once again received national recognition.  Our instructional program, "An AI Curriculum in Support of National Policies and the Development of the Greater Bay Area,", won the Second Prize in the 2022 National Teaching Achievement Awards Ceremony.   


The Education and Youth Development Bureau of Macao presented the award to our school this morning.  Principal Kou Kam Fai, Vice-Principal Chan Keng Lim, and Director Wu Chon Meng accepted the honor on behalf of our school.

Pui Ching co-organizes AI Education and Technology Exchange Conference2024-04-19

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In celebration of the 135th Anniversary of the founding of Pui Ching Middle School, the “Artificial Intelligence Education and Technology Exchange Conference and RoboCup@Home Friendly Match" was hosted by the China Artificial Intelligence Association and co-organized by Pui Ching Middle School.  Robotics teams, experts, scholars, and industry representatives from various regions and countries such as the Greater Bay Area, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Thailand, and Malaysia gathered together to witness this special event. 


The three-day event included sharing sessions from award-winning robotics teams in the RoboCup@Home Education Competition, workshops offered by industry representatives, and friendly matches with robotics teams from the mainland and overseas.


This year marks the 5th anniversary of the founding of our school's Home Service Robot Research Team.  The opening ceremony of the Artificial Intelligence Education and Technology Exchange Conference featured a video presentation showcasing the research team’s development and the various awards it has won, such as World Championship in the Home Education Category at the 2023 RoboCup World Cup held in France.  Our school has also been awarded the title of “Home Service Robot Research Center” by SoftBank Robotics and Jiaxing Jupiter Robotics.

Lost and Found — WeChat mini-program wins Special Prize 2024-04-16

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From April 13 to 14, the final round of the 2nd WeChat Innovative Laboratory Mini-Program Global Coding Innovation Challenge was held in Shenzhen. Over 500 outstanding mini-programs were contributed by 128 schools from five major competition regions worldwide. 45 entries made their way into the final round. The finalists were required to optimize their entries within two days and engage in a defense of their programs.


5 teams consisting of 15 students from our school successfully entered the second round of the final competition. The entry titled 'AI Platform for Lost Items’ created by Cheong Sio Fong, Chong Tin Kin, and Lei In Iat won the Special Prize in the Flying Dragon Category, making their entry the No. 1-ranking mini-program in the world. Their instructor was Ms. Lam Sao Lan. Other award winners are as follows:


Category: Flying Dragon Category (Grades 8-12)

Award: Special Prize (the only highest award)

Programmers: Cheong Sio Fong, Chong Tin Kin, Lei In Iat

Entry: AI Platform for Lost Items

Instructor: Lam Sao Lan


Category: Flying Dragon Category (Grades 8-12)

Award: Third Prize

Programmers: Cheong Sin In, Iong Weng U, Chong Weng Tong

Entry: Location Check-in App Based on the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System

Instructor: Cheong Wui Man


Category: Hidden Dragon Category (Grade 7 or below)

Award: Second Prize

Programmers: Ng U Wai, Chan Ian Kio, Mak Long Cheng

Entry: Star Talk

Instructor: Lam Sao Lan


Category: Hidden Dragon Category (Grade 7 or below)

Award: Third Prize

Programmers: Wong Hio Wai, Tang U Fei, Ieong Hoi Tong

Entry: Little Macao, Big World

Instructor: Lam Sao Lan


Category: Hidden Dragon Category (Grade 7 or below)

Award: Third Prize

Programmers: Wong U Sam, Cheong Chan Hei, Leong Chon Meng

Entry: The Macau Kitchen

Instructor: Lam Sao Lan


After the awards ceremony, a roundtable discussion was held on "Digitally-guided basic education”. Our school's Information Technology teachers, Ms. Lam Sao Lan and Mr. Wong Chan Lam were invited to share their educational experience with mini-programs, and Mr. Wong Chan Lam was awarded the title "Innovative Pathfinder".

Pui Ching choir wins two Distinction Awards and one Merit Award2024-04-15

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The 41st Inter-School Singing Competition for the primary school category was held on Saturday, April 13th. Team B of the Pui Ching Primary School Choir, the Little Singing Stars Choir, won the highest award, the Distinction Award. Team A of the Pui Ching Primary School Choir won the Merit Award.


In the secondary school category held on Sunday, April 14th, our secondary school choir won the highest award, the Distinction Award.

Pui Ching recognized as “Asia Mathematics Education Demonstration School”2024-04-11

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Macao Pui Ching Middle School has been among the first schools in Macao to apply for and the only school in Macao to be awarded the title “Asia Mathematics Education Demonstration School” by the Asia International Mathematical Research Association (Hong Kong).


On April 10th, Vice President of the Asia International Mathematical Research Association (Hong Kong) Dr. Yip Siu Ting, Vice President of the Macao Morning Sun Academic Association Mr. Kam Wai Chon, and Directors of Asia International Mathematical Research Association (Macao) Mr. Ngai Kuan Kio and Mr. Lei Chon Weng visited our school and engaged in academic exchange with Pui Ching Principal Dr. Kou Kam Fai, Vice-Principal Dr. Chan Keng Lim, Director Wu Chon Meng, and various teachers of Olympiad Mathematics. Our school was awarded the plaque of "Asia Mathematics Education Demonstration School".    


Pui Ching has been committed to providing high-quality mathematics education. Through innovative teaching methods and abundant teaching resources, we aim to cultivate students' mathematical thinking and problem-solving abilities. The recognition we have received is a testimony to our long-standing efforts in mathematics education.