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Student dancers win highest award in Inter-School Dance Competition 2023-07-16

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The 41st Inter-School Dance Competition for the Secondary School Category was held at the University of Macao yesterday.  The Pui Ching Secondary School Dance Team won the Distinction Award, the highest award, with their folk dance Autumn Harvest. 

Primary School Dance Team wins highest award in Inter-School Dance Competition 2023-07-16

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The 41st Inter-School Dance Competition for the Primary School Category was held today.  The Pui Ching Primary School Dance Team won the Distinction Award, the highest award in the competition.

Junior high graduating class opens new chapter in school life2023-07-10

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The 2022 junior high graduation ceremony was held this afternoon in the school assembly hall.  238 students graduated from junior high school in the witness of guests, teachers and parents.


Principal Dr. Kou Kam Fai applauded the academic achievements of the graduates despite the challenges they faced during the pandemic.  The pandemic limited the offline activities of the students, but our students continued to participate in various online events and adapted to alternative ways of learning.  Principal Kou also extended his appreciation to parents for their continuous trust and support for the school.  


The graduates were subsequently conferred their graduation diplomas and various awards and scholarships for distinguished academic achievements and outstanding performance in national and international competitions. Congratulations to our graduates!


Primary school graduation ceremony concludes in school anthem and blessings of loved ones2023-07-06

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The 2022 primary school graduation ceremony was held this morning in the school assembly hall.  A total of 208 students graduated from primary school this year.  Guests, teachers, and parents were in attendance at the graduation ceremony to witness this precious moment.


Principal Dr. Kou Kam Fai congratulated the primary school graduating class in his speech. He mentioned that as they enter the secondary school stage, students will have more opportunities to develop their different talents, but they will also be facing more challenges. No matter how great the challenges are, Dr. Kou reminded the students that their families and teachers will always be there for them. In addition, Dr. Kou stressed the importance of teamwork in the secondary school stage of learning. Dr. Kao extended his gratitude to teachers for their guidance, parents for their trust, and different sectors of society for their support.


The graduates were subsequently conferred their graduation diplomas.   Outstanding graduates and students with exceptional performance in national and international competitions were presented with various awards and scholarships. 


On behalf of the graduating class, the 2022 valedictorian Miss Wong Hio Wai expressed her appreciation toward her classmates for their friendship and encouragement along the way.  She also extended her gratitude to parents and teachers for their love and support. 


The ceremony concluded in the school anthem and the blessings of parents and teachers.  Congratulations to our graduates!

Pui Ching charity musical raises over MOP$700,0002023-07-02

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The children’s charity musical "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Jr.” was a collaborative effort between the Pui Ching Symphonic Band and student actors from our primary and secondary school. The event was held at the school assembly hall on July 2nd.  The musical intends to raise funds for those in need in Macau and mainland China.  Inspired by the theme "Walk by Faith" from the Bible, the musical seeks to instill a positive and optimistic attitude in students when they are faced with the challenges of life. The story also encourages people to love and support one another.  The performance attracted nearly 400 viewers and successfully raised over MOP$700,000.


Principal Kou Kam Fai expressed his appreciation for the support of sponsors, the school board of directors, alumni, and parents, whose encouragement has been the driving force behind our students’ success.  The charity musical has not only given students the opportunity to showcase their talents, but it has also encouraged our students to care for the needs of those less fortunate than they are.  Since 2013, the Pui Ching Charity Musical has successfully raised funds for various causes, such as the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund, Wen Ce Primary School in Yingde City, the Watoto Child Care Ministries, the "Valley of Blessings" Charity Association in Portugal, underprivileged areas in Gansu Province, and flood relief efforts in Zhengzhou, Henan Province.  All of this has been made possible thanks to the continuous support of various sectors of society. 


The musical is an adaptation of Ian Fleming’s novel Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and a film by the same name.  It tells the story of the Potts family, who, through their relentless efforts, revive a dilapidated legendary race car and transform it into a magical vehicle capable of flying and swimming. On their journey, they encounter various challenges and face the pursuit of the villainous Baron and his henchmen.  Eventually with courage and intelligence and with the help of the magical car, the Potts family defeat the evil Baron.  The play shows the importance of faith and courage in the face of adversity.  It is hoped that the story will inspire students to face life with the same tenacity and relentless positivity as illustrated in the novel.