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Seven students win Outstanding Youth Award.2019-08-17

The 5th Macao Outstanding Youth Election hosted by the Macao Christian Youth Association held its awards ceremony this afternoon in MGM.  Seven out of the ten award winners were Pui Ching students:


Ten Outstanding Youths: (In no particular order)

Cheong Cheng In (Individual achievement)

Mok Chi Kin (Individual achievement)

Lo Weng Kuan (Individual achievement)

Ho Man Chon (Individual achievement)

Lai Hio Lok (Individual achievement)

Un Ion Cheng (Individual effort)

Fok Oi Man (Community participation)


Outstanding Performance Award:

Chu Ka Kei (Community participation)


Individual Awards:

Chu Ka Kei (Best Manners Award)

Che Sin Man (Micro-Film Award)

Pao Hon Lam (Micro-Film Award)