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Students win second place in world ranking in National VEX Robotics Competition2020-09-01

The students’ passion for learning did not diminish during the pandemic, and world-class competitions continue to offer platforms for our youths to showcase their talent.  The Pui Ching FRC and VEX Robotics Teams attended the National VEX Robotics Competition from August 17th to 27th.  The competition this year was held online and consisted of the preliminary competition, the rematch, and the finals.  Teachers and students devoted themselves to the preparation during the summer vacation and excelled in the competition.  Student Group A of the Senior High Category (including Chan Wai Chong, Ieong Chio Kit, Ip Wai Hin, Cheok Chi Him, Lam Chi Io, and Mio Man Hei) won the second place in world ranking in the Robot Skills Challenge.  Student Group B of the Senior High Category (including Tang I Choi, Ieong Hou Kan, Hong Wang Lok, Tou Chi Ieng, Lei Cheng U, Leong Nga Chi, and Ian Chi Hin) won the ninth place in world ranking.  Our students in the Junior High Category (including Chan Hou Fai, Wong Chi Pang, Lei Pak Kio, Wu Man Hei, and Lei Wa Lok) won the twentieth place in world ranking.  Congratulations to our award-winners!