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Pui Ching students win championship, third place in VIQC Division of VEX Macau Regional Competition; contestants in VRC Middle School Division advance to World Championship2024-01-12

Our school's VEX Robotics Team won the championship and the third place in the VIQC Division of the 8th Macau Robotics Engineering Challenge.  In addition, our contestants in the VRC Middle School Division secured a spot in the World Championship.  Congratulations to our award winners! 


Championship, First Prize: 55868B (Chan Ngou Chai, Chan Pak Fei)
First Prize, Best Design Award: 55868C (Lei Seong Lam, Lam Weng Cheng)
First Prize: 55868D (Man U Tai, Sio Iek Hei)
Third Prize: 55868A (Lei Pui Ieong, Lei Hoi Lok)

Overall Skills Award, First Prize:
5868E (Man U Ian, Ieong Weng I, Loi Lok I, Wong Chong In)
First Prize:
5868D (Fong Seng Hin, Ng Man Wai, Chan Wai San, Ieong Chon Hei, Chao Hou In, Ao Kam Leong)
Second Prize:
5868K (Man U Sam, Tam Ian Ut, Un Pui Peng)
Third Prize:
5868A (Sa Seng Hei, Ian Chon Hei)
5868B (Ieong Hoi Ip, Ng In Su, Kuong Hon Chon, Kuok Chi Ioi, Wong Tin Cheng, Ng Hou Nam)  

5868G (Mio Ioi Him, Wong Chak Lai, Pun Wang Ngai, Wong Shek Kuan, Hoi Chon Hou)